Flexitarians on the rise in France

An Ifop survey carried out for FranceAgriMer allows us to measure the phenomenon of vegetarianism/veganism and flexitarianism, a behavior consisting of reducing one's consumption of animal proteins, particularly meat.

On their general relationship with food, 82% of those questioned said they were trying to consume less but better, and 78% said they preferred local products in their purchases.

About meat, 89% say they like its taste. 79% consider that it is necessary for good health but on the other hand 68% agree with the idea that in France we consume too much meat. 60% believe that fish is healthier than meat and 56% that it has a negative impact on the environment.

The key point of the study is that only 2.2% of respondents say they follow a meat-free diet (of which 0.3% say they are vegan). However, 24% of those surveyed consider themselves to be flexitarians, compared with 74% who say they are "omnivores".

It should be noted that 58% of flexitarians adopted this diet less than five years ago. These flexitarians are concerned about animal welfare and believe that the French eat too much meat. They avoid processed products and favor labels, and are detached from the food industry.

Beef is the meat that flexitarians limit the most, ahead of cold cuts and pork. These consumers replace animal proteins on their plates above all with dried vegetables (lentils, chickpeas, white beans), then potatoes, nuts and cereals (quinoa, bulgur).


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